Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Rationalize Your Business Process with SAP Web Services

Who is a web service provider?

Usually an entity who aids to provide web services to a business system is termed to be a service provider. The provider is usually seen to have a corresponding XML-based description of the web service in the WSDL document. Thus, on the basis of the HTTP transport protocol, SOAP is established as the quasi-standard access protocol.

The process of publishing web service.

The process of publishing of a web service is taken care by the service provider. The service provider transmits information about itself and a description of the offered service to the services registry. A service register can be defined as a type of yellow page for web services. Along with other data, it also provides information on calling the web service.

The standard register used is the UDDI services registry. SAP provides a public UDDI server which can also be called by an ABAP client as a service registry.

Source : https://www.apprisia.com/blog/sap-abap/simplify-your-business-with-sap-web-services/